Thursday, December 07, 2006

A moment of light heartedness :)

Liam is feeling better, and should have gone to mums today anyway. Aidan is there and Liam wants to go over and play with him. I told Liam he could ask nanny and gave him the phone. He wandered off to the other end of the house chatting away and I thought nothing more of it. He later bought me the phone back and told me nanny was comming to pick him up.

About 20 minutes later she called, and was telling me all about the hectic morning they'd had:
"Aidan called and told me that mummy was very sick in bed and I had to come quickly to get him. I kept aksing him, where's mummy and he just kept saying she's very sick, come quickly nanny".

My sister is 7 months pregnant, so mum thought something was terribly wrong, and told the workmen at her place that she had to go, her daughter was sick. As they only have the one car, and dad was out, she had to run to a neighbour's house and get her to drive her to Sams. They flew off to Sam's house, only to find Sam and Aidan backing out the driveway on their way to her house. She thought Aidan had just been playing with the phone. Mean while Dad arrives home with the car, is told by the workmen that mum had to race off because his daughter was sick. So dad jumps back in the car, and races off to Sam's too (wondering about now, why no one is comming here, and I am the sick one!)

She thought it was rather funny though, when I said "mum I think that was actually Liam that called you".

Dad is still yet to be found lol


Anonymous said...

*giggle* At least it gave everyone a laugh!

Hope you feel better soon. *big hugs*

Nic Wood said...

Oh no what a shamozzle!!! very funny though!

Hope your getting over the gastro your poor thing.

Nic xxx

kathie said...

Oh no! Your poor mum. She must have been so worried.
Hope you're starting to feel better by now.

Nat said...

So sorry to hear you are still sick KAtie, but hwat a cute and funny story!! Gotta love kids and aging mothers! hehe...

Sofi said...

Hope you guys are all feeling better.


Anonymous said...

Eek! Hope you feel better soon! :o) Kinda had to giggle at the story though hehe!

Anonymous said...

What a catastrophe!
Hope you're feeling better soon. That gastro is really doing the rounds at the moment.

Mardi said...

You poor thing Katie...I hope you are all feeling a little better now.... thanks for the giggle ....and how gorgeous of Liam to be so considerate and summon help for you...
Mardi x

Anonymous said...

OMG! Katie that is too funny!!

I hope you feeling much much better now!! ;)